Home Ischemic Stroke Women’s Early Weight Linked to Higher Stroke Risk

Women’s Early Weight Linked to Higher Stroke Risk

by Admin1122

🔍 Important Research Update: Women’s Early Weight Linked to Higher Stroke Risk

A recent study published in the journal Stroke reveals that women who are overweight at ages 14 or 31 face a significantly increased risk of ischemic stroke before the age of 55. This highlights the critical impact of early obesity on long-term health.

Key Findings:
– Women classified as obese at age 14 are 87% more likely to suffer an early ischemic stroke.
– Obesity at age 31 results in a 167% increased risk.
– Men’s stroke risk is not affected by early weight.

Healthcare professionals should encourage healthy lifestyle choices in teens and young adults to mitigate future stroke risks. Read more about the study and its implications: #StrokePrevention #WomensHealth #Healthcare #Medindia

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