Home Stroke Symptoms What is Stroke?|Causes and treatment |Prevention of stroke|فالج کیا ہے؟ اس کی وجوہات اور علاج؛|Hindi

What is Stroke?|Causes and treatment |Prevention of stroke|فالج کیا ہے؟ اس کی وجوہات اور علاج؛|Hindi

by Admin1122

What is Stroke?|Causes,Treatment and Prevention of stroke|فالج کیا ہے؟ اس کی وجوہات اور علاج؛ |Hindi

*Types of Stroke:*

1. *Ischemic Stroke*: Most common type, caused by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel in the brain.
2. *Hemorrhagic Stroke*: Caused by a blood vessel rupture in the brain.
3. *Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)*: A temporary blockage, also known as a “mini-stroke.”

*Causes of Stroke:*

1. *High Blood Pressure*
2. *Atherosclerosis* (plaque buildup in blood vessels)
3. *Heart Disease*
4. *Diabetes*
5. *High Cholesterol*
6. *Smoking*
7. *Obesity*
8. *Lack of Exercise*
9. *Family History*


1. *Healthy Diet*
2. *Regular Exercise*
3. *Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure*
4. *Manage Diabetes*
5. *Quit Smoking*
6. *Limit Alcohol Consumption*
7. *Reduce Stress*


1. *Emergency Medical Services*: Call 911 or your local emergency number.
2. *IV Medications*: To dissolve blood clots or reduce blood pressure.
3. *Surgery*: To remove blood clots or repair blood vessels.
4. *Rehabilitation*: Physical, occupational, and speech therapy to regain skills.

Remember, Act F.A.S.T. to recognize stroke symptoms:

– F – Face: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of their face droop?
– A – Arm: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
– S – Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Is their speech slurred or difficult to understand?
– T – Time: Time is of the essence. Call for emergency medical services immediately if you observe any of these symptoms.

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