Home Ischemic Stroke Surgery to restore mobility in stroke patients

Surgery to restore mobility in stroke patients

by Admin1122

I am excited to announce a regional first at
Naples Comprehensive Health (NCH): The successful implementation of the
Vivistim System, a cutting-edge procedure designed to enhance mobility
for patients experiencing moderate to severe upper extremity motor
deficits following an ischemic stroke.

innovative treatment has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and places NCH at the forefront of stroke
rehabilitation. We are currently the only facility in Southwest Florida
offering this groundbreaking procedure, distinguishing ourselves as one
of only five Joint Commission-accredited Comprehensive Stroke Centers in
the state and the sole provider on the Gulf Coast.

stroke often leaves survivors with significant long-term motor
challenges, drastically affecting their quality of life. Traditional
treatments have typically offered limited mobility improvements, leaving
many patients dependent on others for daily activities.

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