Home Ischemic Stroke Policosanol in post ischemic stroke therapy (Javier Vicente, Dr., Ph.D.)

Policosanol in post ischemic stroke therapy (Javier Vicente, Dr., Ph.D.)

by Admin1122

[2023 Longevity Factor HDL Symposium Presentation Video]

● Policosanol in post ischemic stroke therapy ●

▶Javier Vicente, Dr., Ph.D.
President of the national commission on cerebrovascular diseases, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosciences(CUB)

– Pablo de Olavide University, Master in Neurology and Biology of the Behaviour
– Ph.D., University of Havana, Neurology, Intensive Care and Emergencies.
– Neurology specialist of the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery
– Head of the intensive care unit of the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery for 20 years
– Training course of cerebrovascular and neurological diseases in Spanish hospitals La Paz and Gregorio Marañon

Javier Vicente Sánchez López is graduated in Medicine in 1993, beginning his residency in Neurology at the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Cuba. He is a 1st (1996) and 2nd (2000) degree specialist in Neurology, and 1st (1997) and 2nd (2001) degree specialist in Intensive Care and Emergencies.

He got a Master degree in Neurosciences and Biology of Behavior at the University “Pablo de Olavide”, Seville, Spain (2002). He is also Master in Medical Urgencies and Emergencies (2007) and Master in Cerebrovascular Diseases (2010). He is a Senior Professor and Senior Researcher. For 20 years he was the head of the Intensive Care Unit of the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Cuba.

He had been linked during more than 25 years with the investigations that have allowed the study of the effects of policosanol and other natural products on cerebrovascular diseases, in particular, with the studies on ischemic stroke, and more recently, with the studies of policosanol on neurodegenerative disorders. He obtained the degree of Dr. in Medical Sciences in 2015 with the demonstration of the effects of policosanol in ischemic stroke.
Author of more than 60 publications in international and national journals. Professor of more than 100 undergraduate and postgraduate courses related to neurosciences. and is currently the President of the National Commission for Cerebrovascular Diseases for the Ministry of Public Health.


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