Home Stroke Symptoms Can Controlling Blood Pressure Prevent Strokes?

Can Controlling Blood Pressure Prevent Strokes?

by Admin1122

Braydon Dymm, MD, is a board-certified neurologist and accomplished physician who specializes in cerebrovascular disease and stroke care.

After graduating summa cum laude from the University of Detroit Mercy and earning his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine, he completed his neurology residency at Michigan Medicine. Dr. Dymm recently finished an advanced fellowship in cerebrovascular neurology at Duke University Hospital.

He has made significant research contributions with publications in respected journals like Neurology and Stroke. Currently, Dr. Dymm serves as a neurohospitalist in the Department of Neurology at Charleston Area Medical Center.

His passion for advancing stroke care and medical education has established him as an emerging leader in the field.

In this episode, we cover:
– The differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, including causes and symptoms.
– The critical of recognizing stroke symptoms quickly using the BFAST mnemonic.
– Gender disparities in stroke incidence, with a focus on why women are more affected and have worse outcomes.
– The role of high blood pressure and cholesterol in stroke risk and prevention strategies.
– The effectiveness of exercise, diet, and stress management in reducing stroke risk.
– Advances in stroke treatment, including the transition from TPA to tenecteplase for quicker administration.
– The potential for new technologies, like continuous blood pressure monitors, to improve stroke prevention.


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