Home Ischemic Stroke BTS- EP- 26| In Stroke, Time Lost is Brain Lost: Learn How to Recognize the Signs| Dr. Farhat Shoaib

BTS- EP- 26| In Stroke, Time Lost is Brain Lost: Learn How to Recognize the Signs| Dr. Farhat Shoaib

by Admin1122

Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and death worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing every day, including in Pakistan. Various risk factors can lead to a stroke, but recognizing the early signs can save lives and prevent disability. Join us in this podcast to learn more about the warning signs, risk factors, and ways to prevent stroke. Don’t miss out on this crucial information—watch now and stay informed!

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00:00 Highlights
00:56 Introduction
02:06 Early life and Education
03:47 Motivation behind opting Neurology
05:12 Motivation Behind Coming back to Pakistan
06:25 How did the stroke center of Shifa grow
08:00 Role of the latest technology in Neuro Rehab
10:34 What is Stroke and its types
11:47 What are the reasons behind Stroke
13:46 How to Reduce the Risk Factors of Stroke?
16:11 Other Risk Factors of Stroke
17:51 Prevalence of Stroke in Pakistan
19:00 Early Signs and Symptoms of Stroke
20:21 Are the complications of Stroke reversible?
22:21 How can a common person identify the signs of Stroke?
24:12 Similarities between Brain Hemorrhage and Stroke
25:00 Misconceptions about Stroke about among general masses which need to be addressed
28:40 What facilities are provided at Shifa Stroke enter?
30:19 How to make sure to meet the JCI Standards?
31:40 Can the patients from remote areas avail the tele-consultation for stroke related issues?
32:38 Message for the young doctors who are aspiring for this field
33:56 Message of Dr. Raja Farhat Shoaib for common people about how to minimize risk of stroke and how important is the early treatment?

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